Virtual Folders

Virtual folders provide access to shared, persistent, and reused files across different kernel sessions.

You can mount virtual folders when creating new kernel sessions, and use them like a plain directory on the local filesystem. Of course, reads/writes to virtual folder contents may have degraded performance compared to the main scratch directory (usually /home/work in most kernels) as internally it uses a networked file system.

Also, you might share your virtual folders with other users by inviting them and granting them proper permission. Currently, there are three levels of permissions: read-only, read-write, read-write-delete. They are represented by short strings, 'ro', 'rw', 'rd', respectively. The owner of a virtual folder have read-write-delete permission for the folder.


Currently the total size of a virtual folder is limited to 1 GiB and the number of files is limited to 1,000 files during public beta, but these limits are subject to change in the future.

Listing Virtual Folders

Returns the list of virtual folders created by the current keypair.

  • URI: /folders
  • Method: GET


Parameter Type Description
paging object Paging Query Object.


HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK Success.
Fields Type Values
paging object Paging Info Object.
items list[object] A list of Virtual Folder List Item Object.

Creating a Virtual Folder

  • URI: /folders/create
  • Method: POST

Creates a virtual folder associated with the current API key.


Parameter Type Description
name str The human-readable name of the virtual folder.


  "name": "My Data"


HTTP Status Code Description
201 Created The kernel is successfully created.
400 Bad Request The name is malformed or duplicate with your existing virtual folders.
406 Not acceptable You have exceeded internal limits of virtual folders. (e.g., the maximum number of folders you can have.)
Fields Type Values
id slug The unique folder ID used for later API calls.
name str The human-readable name of the created virtual folder.


  "id": "oyU2WOYRYmjCGuKoSkiJ7H2rlN4",
  "name": "My Data"

Getting Virtual Folder Information

  • URI: /folders/:name
  • Method: GET

Retrieves information about a virtual folder. For performance reasons, the returned information may not be real-time; usually they are updated every a few seconds in the server-side.


Parameter Type Description
name str The human-readable name of the virtual folder.


HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK The information is successfully returned.
404 Not Found There is no such folder or you may not have proper permission to access the folder.
Fields Type Values
item object Virtual Folder Item Object.

Deleting Virtual Folder

  • URI: /folders/:name
  • Method: DELETE

This immediately deletes all contents of the given virtual folder and makes the folder unavailable for future mounts.


If there are running kernels that have mounted the deleted virtual folder, those kernels are likely to break!


There is NO way to get back the contents once this API is invoked.


Parameter Description
name The human-readable name of the virtual folder.


HTTP Status Code Description
204 No Content The folder is successfully destroyed.
404 Not Found There is no such folder or you may not have proper permission to delete the folder.

Listing Files in Virtual Folder

Returns the list of files in a virtual folder associated with current keypair.

  • URI: /folders/:name/files
  • Method: GET


Parameter Type Description
:name str The human-readable name of the virtual folder.
path str Path inside the virtual folder (default: root).


HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK Success.
404 Not Found There is no such path or you may not have proper permission to access the folder.
Fields Type Values
files str Stringified json containing list of files.

Uploading Files to Virtual Folder

Upload local files to a virtual folder associated with current keypair.

  • URI: /folders/:name/upload
  • Method: POST


If a file with the same name already exists in the virtual folder, it will be overwritten without warning.


Parameter Type Description
:name str The human-readable name of the virtual folder.
Request content list of aiohttp.web.FileField_ List of file objects to upload.


HTTP Status Code Description
201 Created Success.
400 Bad Request There already exists a file with duplicated name that cannot be overwritten in the virtual folder.
404 Not Found There is no such folder or you may not have proper permission to write into folder.

Creating New Directory in Virtual Folder

Create a new directory in the virtual folder associated with current keypair. this API recursively creates parent directories if they does not exist.

  • URI: /folders/:name/mkdir
  • Method: POST


If a directory with the same name already exists in the virtual folder, it will be overwritten without warning.


Parameter Type Description
:name str The human-readable name of the virtual folder.
path str The relative path of a new folder to create inside the virtual folder.


HTTP Status Code Description
201 Created Success.
400 Bad Request There already exists a file, not a directory, with duplicated name.
404 Not Found There is no such folder or you may not have proper permission to write into folder.

Downloading Files from Virtual Folder

Download files from a virtual folder associated with the current keypair.

The response contents are streamed as gzipped binaries (Content-Encoding: gzip). Post-processing, such as reading by chunk or unpacking the binaries, should be handled by the client.

  • URI: /folders/:name/download
  • Method: GET


Parameter Type Description
:name str The human-readable name of the virtual folder.
files list of str File paths inside the virtual folder to download.


HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK Success.
404 Not Found File not found or you may not have proper permission to access the folder.

Deleting Files in Virtual Folder

This deletes files inside a virtual folder.


There is NO way to get back the files once this API is invoked.

  • URI: /folders/:name/delete_files
  • Method: DELETE


Parameter Type Description
:name str The human-readable name of the virtual folder.
files list of str File paths inside the virtual folder to delete.
recursive bool Recursive option to delete folders if set to True. The default is False.


HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK Success.
400 Bad Request You tried to delete a folder without setting recursive option as True.
404 Not Found There is no such folder or you may not have proper permission to delete the file in the folder.

Listing Invitations for Virtual Folder

Returns the list of pending invitations that requested user received.

  • URI: /folders/invitations/list
  • Method: GET


This API does not need any parameter.


HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK Success.
Fields Type Values
invitations list[object] A list of Virtual Folder Invitation Object.

Creating an Invitation

Invite other users to share a virtual folder with proper permissions. If a user is already invited, then this API does not create a new invitation or update the permission of the existing invitation.

  • URI: /folders/:name/invite
  • Method: POST


Parameter Type Description
:name str The human-readable name of the virtual folder.
perm str The permission to grant to invitee.
user_ids list of slug A list of user IDs to invite.


HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK Success.
400 Bad Request No invitee is given.
404 Not Found There is no invitation.
Fields Type Values
invited_ids list[slug] A list of invited user IDs.

Accepting an Invitation

Accept an invitation and receive permission to a virtual folder as in the invitation.

  • URI: /folders/invitations/accept
  • Method: POST


Parameter Type Description
inv_id slug The unique invitation ID.
inv_ak bool The access key of invitee.


HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK Success.
400 Bad Request The name of the target virtual folder is duplicate with your existing virtual folders.
404 Not Found There is no such invitation.
Fields Type Values
msg str Detail message for the invitation acceptance.

Rejecting an Invitation

Reject an invitation.

  • URI: /folders/invitations/delete
  • Method: DELETE


Parameter Type Description
inv_id slug The unique invitation ID.


HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK Success.
404 Not Found There is no such invitation.
Fields Type Values
msg str Detail message for the invitation deletion.