Code Execution (Batch Mode)

Some kernels provide the batch mode, which offers an explicit build step required for multi-module programs or compiled programming languages. In this mode, you first upload files in prior to execution.

Uploading files

  • URI: /kernel/:id/upload
  • Method: POST


Upload files to the kernel session. You may upload multiple files at once using multi-part form-data encoding in the request body (RFC 1867/2388). The uploaded files are placed under /home/work directory (which is the home directory for all kernels by default), and existing files are always overwritten. If the filename has a directory part, non-existing directories will be auto-created. The path may be either absolute or relative, but only sub-directories under /home/work is allowed to be created.


This API is for uploading frequently-changing source files in prior to batch-mode execution. All files uploaded via this API is deleted when the kernel terminates. Use virtual folders to store and access larger, persistent, static data and library files for your codes.


You cannot upload files to mounted virtual folders using this API directly. However, you may copy/move the generated files to virtual folders in your build script or the main program for later uses.

There are several limits on this API:

The maximum size of each file 1 MiB
The number of files per upload request 20


HTTP Status Code Description
204 OK Success.
400 Bad Request Returned when one of the uploaded file exeeds the size limit or there are too many files.

Executing with Build Step

  • URI: /kernel/:id
  • Method: POST


Parameter Type Description
:id slug The kernel ID.
mode enum[str] A constant string "batch".
code str Must be an empty string "".
runId str A string of client-side unique identifier for this particular run. For more details about the concept of a run, see Code Execution Model. If not given, the API server will assign a random one in the first response and the client must use it for the same run afterwards.
options object Batch Execution Query Object.


  "mode": "batch",
  "options": "{batch-execution-query-object}",
  "runId": "af9185c5fb0eacb2"


HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK The kernel has responded with the execution result. The response body contains a JSON object as described below.
Fields Type Values
result object Execution Result Object.

Listing Files

Once files are uploaded to the kernel session or generated during the execution of the code, there is a need to identify what files actually are in the current session. In this case, use this API to get the list of files of your compute sesison.

  • URI: /kernel/:id/files
  • Method: GET


Parameter Type Description
:id slug The kernel ID.
path str Path inside the session (default: /home/work).


HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK Success.
404 Not Found There is no such path.
Fields Type Values
files str Stringified json containing list of files.
folder_path str Absolute path inside kernel session.
errors str Any errors occurred during scanning the specified path.

Downloading Files

Download files from your compute session.

The response contents are multiparts with tarfile binaries. Post-processing, such as unpacking and save them, should be handled by the client.

  • URI: /kernel/:id/download
  • Method: GET


Parameter Type Description
:id slug The kernel ID.
files list of str File paths inside the virtual folder to download. (maximum 5 files at once)


HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK Success.